With numerous VPN services available, there should be a lot of Synology Connect Vpn Script scrutinies to find the perfect one based on your demands. In this TorGuard Vs IPVanish comparison review, we’re going to compare these two VPN services based on factors such as

2019-6-21 · Telegram是一个很流行的IM软件,最大的特点就是开源和隐私,现在很多讨论群都会在这个上面。因为众所周知的原因在中国,它是不能直接使用的,下面介绍一个官方支持的MTProxy代理搭建方法。 群晖Video Station豆瓣刮削器插件(改) – Mirror … 2020-5-7 · 终于我还是弃坑了。在我写了半天TMDB的东西之后,发现Video Station本来就是用的TMDB接口啊(摔!自带得搜索不能用的原因是TMDB接口地址被墙了。但我调试api的时候发现了一个不正规地址z4vrpkijmodhwsxzc.stoplight-proxy.io。 软件安装 · GitBook 2019-3-9 · NAS Synology群晖安装 第1步 进入套件中心 第2步 进入安全性-> 设置中心 因为不是官方签名软件,需要允许一下才可以安装 DNSCrypt - Official Project Home Page

K3s 安装教程 – 易科博客

How to create a Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificate on a 2 days ago · A little update on Synology DSM 6.2.3 build 25423 where Synology added wildcard support!. Added support for Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificates. This does work, however only on Synology domains. If you are running a custom domain, you still need to go the route as described below. [tutorial] Synology NAS – Docker, Proxy, Let’s …

2020-7-21 · DSM is standard running on the Synology in https mode on port 5001, so we need to setup a reverse proxy in apache: Access the Synology with SSH using Putty, en type the following commands in the shell prompt to navigate to the right folder: For DSM 4: cd /usr/syno/etc/ For DSM 5: cd /etc/httpd/sites-enabled-user/

一款很好用的内网穿透工具--FRP - 简书 2018-1-25 · 一款很好用的内网穿透工具--FRP 前言 对于没有公网 IP 的内网用户来说,远程管理或在外网访问内网机器上的服务是一个问题。 今天给大家介绍一款好用内网穿透工具 FRP,F Nginx and Let’s Encrypt with Docker in Less Than 5 Minutes The other day, I wanted to quickly launch an nginx server with Let’s Encrypt certificates. I expected the task to be easy and straightforward. Turns out: I was wrong, it took a significant 群晖NAS上搭建Bitwarden服务 - YeèのNotes 2020-5-25 · 当初在群晖上自建bitwarden_rs服务器的时候,使用Google搜索出来的结果一概都是使用DSM界面的简单配置,那样倒是能用,但WebSocket不通会导致实时同步不能生效。趁着这次重新规划NAS的机会,我记录一下完整的配置流程。 Bitwarden介绍 Bitwarden本身就不多说了,是个类似于1Password的全平台密码管理器 Proxy Other Ports to Port 80 on Synology – rebelpeon.com